Can a druid multiclassing with fighter make an extra attack while transformed?
This might be a weird question but do you ever feel like reality isn’t real?
Spell interactions did I do the right thing?
Insanely wrong ideas you had of video games, growing up?
Disagreement with a ritual
How to handle overly ambitious player in combat?
Homebrew Action: Protect
Do you let monks use focus as a free action
BetterAskReddit: New to Wrestling, need recommendations/tips
I found 5000 DKK in old banknotes
In-Person Table With One Player Remote…Workable or Vibe Killer?
What’s something you do that makes you happy?
Pat be wilding
How do you implement rule of Material Components in the game?
Favourite undead?
Strength focused adventure gear items ideas
unseen servant, push mastery and prone
I'm in the mood for fluffy, light-hearted romance. The gayer the better. What y'all got?
Any advice on how to let players be creative without breaking the game?
Titles in media that don't imply their content
Trying to run bloodborne themed one shot, need ideas
Get Kraken
Asterix & Obelix: The Big Fight | Official Trailer | Netflix
1 action: 32 damage, 7 vek down
What's your favourite offline activity?