What is the thing wrong with this map?
Iași, Romania, 1988 - the prosperous city center after 43 years of communism
Comment and I will find your avatar lookalike
I vostri posti preferiti dove scattare foto a Bologna
Tell me your favorite video game character (I will reply as much as I can)
Part of the protest in Serbia
Gdańsk, Poland. Before and after.
tell me your favourite country accept the one you live in...
Day 1 getting a comment from every subdivision of Europe
Ritrovato negli Emirati il corpo del rabbino Kogan. Netanyahu: “Atto abominevole”
My lovely country, Egypt!
Police blocks near stazione?
Guess which Chinese city is this.
Bolo-story #5 - I Bentivoglio e il Fight Club della nobiltà
ITAP of a canyon in Albania
Locali o eventi per conoscere persone senza per forza spendere soldi
Can you place Hawaii correctly on the map without cheating?
you comment in 24 hours = your name on this paper :P
Skopje, Macedonia
What part of your country is often considered the emptiest place in your country and is mocked for it ?
Quali sfizi vi siete tolti nella vita? Di quali vi sieti pentiti oppure no?
Woman tears down Greek flags after mistaking them for Israeli ones outside of small buisness
Amway Grand Plaza Parking Garage
Consigli per luoghi gratuiti a Bologna aperti fino a tardi per leggere/stare al pc (no bar o caffetterie)