Idk if it already got posted but here u go guys incase it didnt
I would love if Treyarch made tactical skins instead of the unicorn 6 year old bullshit they've been putting out lately.
I am without words.
Rate my kit. I recently traded my plate carrier for a baby carrier, mags for a baby, and speed-loaders for bottles. I don't play anymore but still get to kit up!
Brought to you by Cumming Shitstain
Is this eyepro safe?
vfc v3 mk18 or tm mws mk18? Which one & why? First build .
best timeline:ucp moon camo was never invented
Free bundles used to give us cool items and now it’s just double XP tokens
Are there many cronus users?
Input from someone who just joined the scene
How do I stop these idiots from crashing me at the end of the race?!
I just realized we don’t have a revolver! Why Activision?
(WTS) Krytac Trident MkII SPR
(WTS) Krytac Trident MKII SPR
Selling Trident MkII SPR
Scump on CoD being DEAD: "I don't think Call of Duty has ever been in a WORSE SPOT and it's honestly depressing"
Moldavian army rn
Rate Our Team Comp
Boomstick ( Tokyo Marui HK416 ngrs )
Will they add the pink soldiers as skins soon? Because I want them as one they are badass
He can probably see the ppl from the next gameday through that scope
MK12 SPR Modernized🇺🇸 (CYMA M16A4)
Final Lap Final Corner for the win
25’ V4
Bo6 is a good game
Any Discords for finding teammates b06 ranked
Cant someone here write a tool to mass report like the botowners have? So we can just massreport bots if we see them?