Anime with power ups that aren't just numbers?
What is a anime you will defend no matter what
What is an anime you will defend no matter what
Need a new anime
suggest me some sci-fi anime's
Recommend me anime that everyone has heard of or would recognise from a clip/image but most people haven't actually watched
Anime with romance as a subplot?
What 100+ episode anime should I watch by my 3x3?
Im bored out of my mind anything
recs based on this?
Favorite wholesome romance anime?
What should I watch next?
Looking for Romance/RomCom Anime Suggestions (First Time Genre Watcher)
What are some good mystery animes?
Romance suggestions please
Looking for anime recommendations
does anyone know any anime like this?
need a manga recommendation
What anime to watch with my wife?
Help me pick out my next one?
Im looking for recs based on my current anime ratings.
What you think is the Best Best Anime Soundtrack That Perfectly Fits the Show
Anime recommendations please!
What is The BEST Anime opening?
Looking for suggestions