She owes me sex for whatever help I do for her
Finally my bf having his predictions wrong
I stumbled into the DLC late game, should I beat the base first?
Tem alguma forma de conectar esse monitor no meu ps4?
Thinking about ‘penis envy’
Can't reach the *** in time
I've been playing Outer Wilds for 3 days, these are my thoughts by now!! (Spoilers of course, but please don't spoil me anything)
My grandma is textbook narcissistic and have been creating absurd lies about my family.
For a relatively new Fantasy reader, is it best to start with a series like Mistborn or one like Harry Potter?
What is the single WORST hero’s journey in a book (or series)?
The Final Empire is the best Mistborn novel
Paris yesterday night, following the death of far right founder Le Pen
Share Your Farm Name
First time playing the game today, thoughts
I know cross overs are fairly common but I didn’t know Death Note was straight up cannon in HxH
Pizzarias la carte para fazer aniversário?
Sou babaca por querer que meu namorado exclua ex ficante da vida?
Recently started a new save and already got Ancient Fruit ready to harvest on Spring 6 Year 1
Do you think that some combination of backlash could sink Emilia Perez come Oscar time?
Fernanda Torres wins Best Actress in a Motion Picture Drama
‘EMILIA PÉREZ’ has won Best International Film at the GoldenGlobes
Why would Straff... [WOA]
Just finished Well of Ascension
PS4, PC ou Notebook?
Big HoA Spoilers- How did you react to the ending?