How to counter/play a double ranged enemy lane if you have a meelee supp?
Feats of strength: Boots T3 => Keystone small buff
Why do i get paired up against people that are level 300+ in iron and my team is level 50.
Hot Take: ADC'S Should not be able to 1v1 a Tank(Here me out)
Unending Despair Needs to be Removed from URF
I fought against two junglers, how the hell do I even counter this?
I'm sorry guys but even though i don't want to reduce the excitement of a new buff, i have to say this. Smolder probably got most meaningless buff especially in this meta
The problems isnt tanks, the problem is crit items and adc options in general.
Feats of strength are a new season mechanic that you have 50% chance not be able to try out in a match.
Average ADC experience
Can someone explain to me MR and LDR in the wake of the new proposed changes?
Well, it was fun while it lasted. See yall next patch
Tank build in low elo?
Preliminary build idea for next patch
Fellas we winning
I wish Kalista could auto her own sentinels (w ability)
I Hate Playing With a Yuumi as ADC.
smolder mid
When to build nashors?
is this champion ass??
Why our bro barely does damage right now?
Hullbreaker build
How do you not go out of mana with the op lethaltiy build rn?
Seeing Smolder's WR plummet again for what, the third or fourth time now? Reminds me that his core problem is the fact the items he was designed around got removed or changed.
Milio on Low Elo vs High Elo