What one random decision pivoted your life for good?
I want to help my INFJ (F). How can I ?
Can you guess?
ENTPxINFJ is quite the Halley’s Comet!
Do you have difficulty forgiving?
Do ENTP’s miss INFJ’s the same way INFJ’s do?
Stray doggos love massages
Hey INFJs, what does it feel like to be understood? Is it really that rare for you?
Heavy burps during meditation. Is it worriesome?
Any feedback on the form?
I am tired of being alone/single.
We INFJs (and introverts in general) do not like conflict. How do YOU handle conflict without being taken advantage of?
How to be a leader?
Biggest giveaway an ENTP likes you?
Book Recommendations Pls
Finally Apologised to my INFJ.
Why does every meme on this sub feel like a personal attack?
Straddle planche Push up
3 people tried taking extreme steps after an INFJ rejections?
KFC Player of the Match box comes with a $25 KFC voucher.
How do INFjs react to hand written letters? Did you ever get one?
Has any ENTP ever successfully over come the INFJ doorslam?
why am i so manipulative?