Can i run the game comfortably?
Bloody Murder!
Constellation Taurus - High potential. Very Frustrating.
After two and a half years, I've finally reached my dream home ship!
this fell into my hangar when i opened the roof!
Hull A to Hero is the best way to play
can anyone get this QR to scan> my phone wont detect it. wondered if its a real one!
Really proud of this corpse retrieval. Wasn't sure if it would work!
couple of desktop backgrounds - from a roof top in area 20.
If you could live in any videogame universe i would pick star citizen
Error 30009
To the person pushing people into props
Bought a customized 315p, got given two stock 315p instead???
I’m new but am I doing this pirating thing right?
We have pet turtles!?
Any tech whizz able to let me know what’s going on here? I get major stuttering and hanging in places, yet my computer supposedly should have no problems running SC
Why its not worth being nice to random people in Star Citizen
couple of desktop wallpapers for the collection
Carrack or Polaris?
[Discuss] Are BIS paints available as skins?
Can i even jump to pyro with my 100i?
[FREE] Control on Epic Games
Merry Christmas y’all!
just got my big girl!
[PSA] Confirmed Trades Thread - December 2024