Now THIS is a Conspiracy Theory that I would want to see end up coming true😳
Holy shit its an actually humorous joke by a Left Wing Economist?? No way😨😨😨
AAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh noooo a Fascist Austrian economist got upset, what are we gonna do???💀💀💀
Damn didnt know this community was this based wtf??😨
So what are your opinions on the future of Bolivian Democratic Socialism this coming election? Is the Technocratic Arceism the future or should Socialism continue its long history of grassroots support with Moraleism?
I see a lot of excitement and hopes due to this sudden update. Am I the only one that doesn't trust the current sims team to touch sims 3 at all?
M e r c h
Neeeein!! Es ist vorüber für Österreich🤬🤬🤬 /s
Die KPÖ macht Kommunismussachen! AUFHOIDN-AUFHOIDN!
My Rut Felt Like A Life Sentence
The psyop has never been more apparent
how, logistically speaking, will murderbloodkill deliver on his promise to literally kill everyone? doesn't matter, voting for him anyway!!!
I hate everything west
The Switch 2 Presentation Bingo: Yeah no thanks, Ill stick with my Wii U...
How to scare a Cities: Skylines player
Is T5 actually as bad as most say?
Finally did an updated version of my complete overhaul of the W&R user interface :)
Favorite movie that uses a gimmick to distract the audience from how pretentious it is to play yourself in a biopic at the age of 50?
Yes, i'm interested on knowing these.
how to self sabotage your own ideas 101
The comment section had clear US vs nonUS representation
So many carbrains in the comment section
Does anybody else not even want the American dream.
infinity andy
Every Factions Political Ideology