What percentage of your app users write reviews?
Suggestions to avoid unnecessary costs of firebase
Struggling with simultaneous Finger Placement on Guitar Chords After 1-2 Years of Playing
which onboarding flow has the best conversion rate
What’s surprised you most about your app’s users?
Welche Erlebnisse habt ihr gemacht, die total überbewertet waren und ihr im Nachhinein bereut, dafür Geld ausgegeben zu haben?
Finally made a successful app after 12 failed attempts
Tileable Factories for Factorio 2.0, feedback appreciated
Was hättet ihr gerne gewusst, bevor ihr eure Immobilie finanziert & gekauft/gebaut habt?
Was macht manche Krankenkassen so viel günstiger als andere?
Beschenkte haben keine email erhalten
Lange gibt es die nicht mehr unter 2€
What makes a good guitar teacher? 30 min/week lessons at a music school
Robert Habeck: Mitten im Ampel-Chaos sagt er einen Satz, den nur er sagen kann.
If you aren’t using Firebase functions v2, why not?
What are your thoughts on all the indie app devs making overnight fortunes with AI wrapper apps?
What was early iOS development like? Compared to now?
How do you guys record yourself practicing?
After you’ve built an app you’re proud of, how do you market it and get the word out?
How I Accidentally Racked Up $53 in One Day Using Realtime API on GPT-4o!
Firebase is very expensive
Play lefty or force to learn righty?
Developing a Mood Tracker App: What Features Would Make It Truly Helpful?
I released app and no one like to use it! 😓
What are the best songs for a beginner to learn?