[Other] Trophy hunters, casual, hardcore and in-between, add me! Need my platinum friends list.
Which game blew you away with it's visuals?
[Discussion] what are some chill games with a pretty easy platinum?
[Midnight Suns] Last platinum for the year. Got it with just a few hours left.
[Discussion] How was your first platinum?
What do you listen to at the gym?
Next Read?
Why the stares? 👀
What’s everyone watching tonight for Halloween?
What are you guys playing for Halloween?
Monkey enjoyed seeing NYC so much during the day, we had to check it out at night!
Suprise! You have slept with the main character of the last tv show you watched. How (un)happy are you?
Monkey checking out NYC
Had to get this sticker as soon as I saw it at my local book store!
Squirrel tattoo by Connie Gabbert at the New York tattoo convention
Finished my latest project
Monkey checking his position for the Americas Favorite Pet poll
I’ve decided to join your cult.
What is one song that makes you cry?
Anyone else’s Aussie love the snow?
Today’s picks from a new shop that just opened near me.
Panther Lightning by Mikey “Doodles” in Meadowlands, NJ
Panther Lightning Bolt
Got these in today, The Infinity Gauntlet #1 signed by George Perez, and MMPR #40 signed by Jason David Frank. Both authenticated by JSA.