Havnt played since vanilla classic. Thinking about playing hardcore.
We Did It! 2nd Class 1-20 in under 12 hours! Woot! Tauren Shaman 1-20 in 11hrs 21min!
First boe epic
WoW Classic Era & Cata vs Retail (for blizz)...
Never played Wow. Is starting wow Classic Hardcore good Idea?
Switching to anniversary server?
Snowrunner 3Y Anniversary (on sale) or wait for Roadcraft?
a dumpster fire of a death...
I almost did a good thing and saved this guy... almost :(
My best level 20 time, 10hr 45min! Thanks for the tips!
You ever think you have a health pot... but don't!?
What class do you like most in hc?
Happy New Year! I'm stoked, I was able to get 2 classes to lvl 10 in under 2 hrs!
Is there anything wrong with being a “clicker”
HC addon players anywhere?
Is it worth starting now?
No Upgrades, No Recoveries. Snowrunner on Hard Mode. Stocky & Thrifty. Part 09. (POWER LINES)
Michigan, Alaska, Tamyr Map Flow Charts
Not today, old friend
No Upgrades, No Recoveries. Snowrunner on Hard Mode. Stocky & Thrifty. Part 08. (WINTER STORES)
Please, stick to our home servers, fresh is dumb!!
Duo with wife
No Upgrades, No Recoveries. Snowrunner on Hard Mode. Stocky & Thrifty. Part 07.
I’ve just finished the base game
No Upgrades, No Recoveries. Snowrunner on Hard Mode. Stocky & Thrifty. Part 06.