Fiz a minha primeira moamba de Galinha. Sou meio francês e meio angolano!
How do y'all deal with your identity ?
Thoughts on Perks?
Nice raw blade with no perks. If i picked the perk sooner i could've got the 5k with life steal :/
Genji...different this season?
Nice 3k on doom, deleted that juno
Best compliment ever ,
I'm getting used to the new perks the game feels so fresh. Raw balde actually do something now ! Here's a nice potg
Nice blade potg with the new perks
How many of yall actually like Emp Punch as a mechanic?
I'll miss you, old friend
I am finally able to play dps doom !! There's inly one day left but it's so fun, I missed him so much :). Here's a cool clip form last game. Sorry for the quality, i don't usually make clips.
1 week left doom bros
first time I’ve ever been bullied on this game :(
What’s your drink of choice?
What are yall favorite maps?
What hair cut would look good on me
Am I balding or hair thinning? Someone made a joke about it I need honesty and help please 🙏🏾
Relationship with an atheist
Do you ever feel bad for those who don’t believe?
Constantly getting hate on doom and Idk how to feel about it.
Just got my first MVP as Loki
What skins do you rock except thunder doom ?
Only black ppl can tell I'm mixed, Why ?
I found a fun way to enjoy the game