Rating her albums based on how much I listen to them.
What's Twigs' Best LP?
Films that broke the gender stereotype in Hollywood
Am I the only one that thinks Peggy is hot
Twigs has always been half Avant Garde Ethereal Artist & half Mainstream Commercial Celebrity
So, watching Penny Dreadful for the second time. I'm crying when Mr. Lyle is leaving for a Egypt. He is my favorite character.
Where do I begin with reading Lacan?
I fear Twigs will be set up to be the next Blake Lively/ Amber Heard soon.
Drums of Death MV inconsistency
Do people just sh*t on the game and show for fun?
Dave is a ladies man
FlyDubai Refund Voucher Question
Why Zizek never talks about castration?
Krabi Trip Report / itinerary ideas, travel tips and places to eat!
Here is a working Lacanian AI.
Do you think they can increase bit rate with future firmware updates?
Qoocam Modded Camera Has Arrived
Elon leaving "Little X" Behind was faked
Tongue has gone spikey
Analysing this show thru a spiritual yin & yang (feminine & masculine) lens
Any TV Anime recommendations that are similar in vibe to Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust?
Mature TV show Anime with same vibe as Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
Instagram Does Not Understand Satire and Is Basically Facebook Now