Adding a pistol to your permit
I make $47k but I hate my job wtf do I do
Getting started in cnc
Are you stupid?
That’s not a gelutol ad
Apparently I went to a 3rd party Tmobile store today. I purchased the phone. As she was porting over the info from my old phone to my new one she starts putting on a screen and gave me a type c wall adapter. She then rings them up and says since it is a 3rd party store I have to buy it. Is this true
Daily Ask Anything: 2021-11-13
This man is 47 years old 😐
No more 19 dollar fortnite card
19 dollar fortnite card stolen 🤯
Weird mechanic thing happened in one of tonight's games.
What Medieval Castle Toilets Looked Like
What movie would be the weirdest if a sex scene was added?
If you could fart any fragrance out of your ass, what would it be?
What would be the aftermath of your entire internet history being shared to your family and friends?
People of Reddit what is the worst accent you have ever heard?
Students of Reddit, what's a polite way of telling people to fuck off when they ask you for answers to online homework?
You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
When did you realize that hard work does not always pay off?