32, M Profile Review
Profile Review, 32M
Unwanted divorce
My feedback (100h, Solo Play, PS5)
Jamie doesn’t get enough credit for how witty he can be sometimes
"ideas guy" Why we keep supporting these a**holes?
Who is still out here playing their one “true main”
Quoted $1400 for a muffler replacement
Massive Fight Lingering over us (32F) (31M) - Wife doesn't know if she wants to stay or move on, is it worth me waiting to find out, or is it already over?
My (31M) wife (31f) wants to get a third dog as a sign of renewal
Has anyone beaten Tyr on max difficulty?
It feels like my (31m) wife (31f) is taking financial advantage of me
AITA for getting mad at my fiance for how she handles our dog in bed?