What Kanye song is playing?
What song is playing?
3 Underrated PEAK anime to watch!
Hmmm 🤔
What's your FIRST EVER Anime? Mine was Slumdunk!
Any Anime where the world is cruel, but also very beautiful?
Today I learned that…
Tales VS Final Fantasy - Who would you main?
I’m new to anime. What would you recommend based on my favorite movies and series?
Any reccomendations basen on this?
my music taste before vs now in a couple months, and any thoughts on it
Dear Panda, Deakin, Geo and Avey,
What song is this for you?
Real question
Petition to make this the new sub icon
How does everyone rate Tales of Arise?
(17M) My 100 favourite albums of all time, in order
Bought this from a local record store today, what’s everyone’s thoughts on this album?
AnCo Opinions/Hot Takes
Just finished demon slayer, what now?
How are we feeling about this (recs needed)
What is the best song from Comstruction Time Again?
What is your favorite thing about Anco?