Another banger episode incoming
Gonna be a good episode
The slash procs forced my hand
Anybody else hate gym reruns?
Hey there! Which pos 4 heroes should I spam rn and why?(I just want to switch from carry to pos 4).
What us support players feel about carry heroes.
The forbidden knowledge to winning as pos1
Quick message to volvo
The hero we need but not the one we deserve
After 6 years of not being able to get a cat due to not having a permanent residence, meet my 4 month old little demon Sylvanas.
I'd gladly drop $10-$15 for a voice change item of Troy Baker's Invoker from the anime
Unless this is a bug, the pre-game pausing bullshit has come to an end.
I'm so tired of all these account buyers in Immortal (bonus annoyance Divine 4 in my games when I'm 6.2k mmr)
Account buyer playing on rank 41 (hilarious)
Open letter towards Valve regarding the state of the Immortal bracket
To all of you
Here's what we need to "fix" with overwatch
Suspected "hacking" in match 5674724261
Regarding reports
Real talk - Huskar
Genuine question to the Russian players on Europe servers.
The growing Australian rap scene
[FRESH] Jam Baxter - Saliva
"When we recognize our place in an immensity of light-years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty, and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, sense of elation and humility is surely spiritual." - Carl Sagan