Keep an eye on your emails!!!!
If you are a redditor who's never received an award before, leave a comment on this post and I'll give you one. I have 10k coins to use before the end of today, mostly due to this community. Time to give them back.
I’ve got 40k coins to burn, so I’ll give gold to everyone who comment on this post :) let’s go!!
Microefutures Method for trading ES/MES
A girl slipped me her number at the bar as she left. We didn't even speak to each other before she did it.
My Girl surprising me a month before my birthday with this!
I once told the wife I loved surf n' turf so much I could die eating it. I think she took that too literally lol. So grateful coming home to a loving wife.
i Bond Gifts - What happens if Donor dies before gift delivery?
I Regret not signing up for PPP loan, am in the minority of small business who did not apply?
My Tesla caught fire 🔥
My two beauties 😍😁
FIREd at 52. Sold our business, will never work again. AMA
How does safety score affect Tesla insurance rates? And is the base rate they quote a min, max, or medium rate depending on future FSD scores?
I have $100, what do you think I should do with it?
Let’s go guysss! My dad got this email. I’m at a hockey game so will have to wait till tomorrow :)
Tweet: FSD beta: 98s get beta Sat Nov 6, which is 10 days from now.
Where Can I Get Indian Spices & Ghee in Houston? Also a Good Butter Chicken Recipe
Reached 99 at 11pm eastern on fri. No beta. Does anyone have info about cutoffs/the next release?
Did Elon forget 10.3 was supposed to come out today?
Finally up to 99! Just need to hold on for one more day!
Feels like Christmas every single time
"Wow, lot of interest in FSD beta! Plan is to roll out version 10.2 midnight Friday, then on-ramp ~1000 owners/day, prioritized by safety rating." - First few days probably 100/100, then 99, 98, etc.
My girlfriend and I get into a heated argument. I fully acknowledged it was my fault but the argument continued and got worse. She told me to sleep on the couch. However, its my house and my bed, so I told her if she wanted to sleep apart from me, she can sleep on the couch. Was this too far?
Any possible free meeting spaces for rabbit adoption/ foster event in Houston?
Excited to Pound On Reddit!