Why there's no big 'Women's March' this Trump inauguration
Options for indoor cooking
Female sexual exploitation in order to have money for school is so normalized, yet people are thoughtlessly still reproducing
Just realized I think being a natalist vegan is.... Questionable
It's okay to be unable to effectively utilize anxiety reduction techniques during a meltdown
Anyone here has experience with both Aussie and Sheltie? 🥹
Prepping for Divorce in Oklahoma
My Dog Is Hyper-Fixated On My New Kitten
Elon Musk’s whole family has this strange obsession with breeding?
I Was Just Told I Can’t Get a Vasectomy Until I Turn 35
Anyone else feel like our social skills as a society have completely fell off of a cliff?
When did you decide it was time for a 2nd dog??
Two friends cut me off today, it feels like I've been shot
Misogyny in natalist reddit
[help] Dogs are obsessed with licking my dog’s dick?
As an adult, is it normal to still feel traumatized by past bullying?
When will rideshare hold drivers accountable for complying with medical service animals?
Is this legal..?
What occupations do you avoid dating women from?
Books on addiction
Can a vegan have a cat indoor, who eats meat?
BRING A BAG: Costco in Southern state refused to provide a bag for Plan B "because it's OTC"
A... Moment 😂
Men who don't want children, what's stopping you from getting a vasectomy?