How to word message to my low-contact, Christian, voted-for-trump mom
My neighbor with all the Trump stuff in his yard took it all down.
Poeple-Pleasing Parents Creating Second-Class Kids - AITA?
Help I got roped into a Mary Kay party thinking i was coming for a facial
“Reminds me of BDong/JDip” Weekly Thread November 14 - November 20
Trumps tariffs will destroy Brittany’s dropshipping biz
When ppl assume you’re pro homeschooling…
Finally de-jesus-ifying my tattoos
I guess buying bots can’t buy you a real audience 😂😂😂 This girl went to a conservative event headlined by RFK jr and theres an prerecorded applause track
This girl went to the conservative event, the crew needs to see this
Is this standard practice or a red flag?
And…. GO
Apparently this is about all Fox News Phoenix aired of this event before they cut the feed. The boredom is palpable.
Formal October wedding in New England
Formal enough? (October wedding)
She’s having a go at “HouseinHorror”, it’s clear you’re getting to her, Keep up the good work!
Ok I gave in and bought 3 dresses online… (BEACH/SemiFormal)
Must I buy? (beach, semi-formal)
Found this gem way back in my screenshots, thought you guys might enjoy.
‘Spawns of Satan’: Ruby Franke detailed torture of kids in newly released journal
Quick, choose a familiar!🔮🪄
My Boyfriend is Making Me Feel Gross For Cleaning My Bum With My Hands After #2
No caption needed
This is just incorrect on so many levels