These withdrawals are.. brutal.
Should I shave my head?
Where and how to even begin??
Ok tmi question but do you get period like cramps when you need to 💩? Or just randomly?
2nd lap in 4 months, this time with a Nook specialist
Recurring fevers??
Reoccurring fevers?
what are your weirdest endo symptoms?
What music do you listen to when you’re having a bad time?
Removal of ovaries as treatment for painful periods due to suspected endo?
did anyone have extreme pain during their transvaginal ultrasound?
Hysterectomy at young age
Umbilical hernia or something else?
Laparoscopy effectiveness and experience?
Laparoscopy recovery questions, does someone need to stay with me?
23F been to 4 doctors with no clear answer
Confirmed umbilical endometriosis - post surgery update
am i (22F) being cheated on (28M)????
Anyone else have diaphragm Endo?
13 cm fibroid
What was the worst symptom you experienced with fibroids?
“Ghost” cramps for a week 🫠🫠🫠
Can't believe how great I feel