I'll let you in on the best kept secret for Boss pedals
Octavia Clone
Help needed with removing a pot
Octavia - a Roger Mayer Vision Octavia clone with octave toggle
Five Cats Pedals Texas Jingle
BYOC build documents
Designed my own RGB 3PDT PCBs
Can this tone bender be modified to use a power supply? It's positive ground.
fuzz tone enclosure
The Mighty Fuzz Explorer - a Tonebender & Fuzz Face combo board. Feel these circuits out, hands on and dial in your own fuzz recipes || also a store-wide 15% off coupon for this awesome subreddit
LPB-1 pcb sources
Fuzzface (jhf1) - Vintage Styled Board - Five Cats Pedals
Proco Rat 2 clone
Oh my god. I found a hidden safe that actually delivered.
I have news for you... AliExpress germanium transistors sometimes work.
How would you make this kind of trace with Kicad?
Say hello to the Vespa Velutina fuzz!
EU alternative to the PedalPCB breadboard?
My JHS Haunting Mids clone is finally finished.
Can you solder into these potentiometer holes?
Graphic: Yay or Nay? Tube screamer aka goat screamer
Such MIRACULOUS healing for someone who was "shot in the face"
Where is Joe Biden’s wedding ring?
Why is not working? (more details in comments)
Just wanted to show off my Swan Screamer pedal