YSK: bear bells are largely ineffective at keeping bears away
Resident Alaskans born out of state, where are you from?
You've won a $2,500 Costco gift card that must be used in 30 days. What are you getting?
Does he belong? He's got the energy without a doubt. Adopted from the shelter. Underweight and heartworm positive. They are saying a year old but I don't think he's older then about 7 or 8 months. As I write this he is just pacing. He doesn't sit down very long at all😂. Thoughts
Moving to Alaska and traveling through Canada (advice)
I want out of Australia
Postcard from Alaska
Talkeetna Village Park - pretty sure someone planned on me finding it.
UPDATE: He is fact a corgi/chihuahua. I know I don’t believe it either.
What's something that people had in the 1900s that we don't have now?
If temperature is just a measure of the movement speed of atoms, why are moving gusts of wind cold?
Anyone familiar with these Dynata surveys?
Teaching two dogs their name in the context of a command
Considerations for owning horses in Alaska
Trump’s EOs aren’t just about Denali. They’re repealing the Tongass forest Roadless Rule
How to get out energy for dog scared of walks
Quick questions on Glacier Lake Trail in Kachemak Bay SP
TIL that people report being bored about 10 hours a week at work, according to researchers.
Over the weekend, I cleaned up this massive illegal dumping site in California. It took me 2 days, resulting in a total of 76 bags. My next goal is to revitalize the soil and get some native plants growing.
Fairbanks trip in March 27 to April 1
What’s something, which doesn’t seem like much, that makes your day?
When is the worst time to visit Alaska?
Is it Purebred or Mixed Bred?
How do Alaskans feel about Denali / Mt.McKinley?
Flags at full staff