Welcome! I’m going to use this sub as a place to give shout outs to people who have (with permission) adapted my OC to either their own visual or audio art!
Is it okay to post success stories here?
What are some of the best horror stories written by non white authors?
Coyote sighting on clover.
Found a stack of scratch offs in the trash, right next to some dog shit. One of these tickets had won 75 dollars
Dad's with 100% custody
[DEC24] "I shouldn't be here" he cried.
Suicidal son and I'm expected to be happy for the holidays.
Was anyone else not able to get their kid what they wanted for xmas? Mine wanted a blue Nintendo Switch :-(
Rant about holidays between split households. Advice welcome
As the mortician studied the fresh corpses in front of her, she relaxed.
dumpster score from a few nights back. Absolutely life changing
Found a flag in the dumpster. Left it where it belonged. Took the basketball though, no noticeable leak :)
Scrap metal from two dumpster runs. 2 brass chandeliers in one dumpster and 25 lbs of insulated wire in another. To me this is a lot of cash. more than covers gas and the time spent digging/ sorting— and per hour this comes out to more than my actual wages.
An absolute mess of Halloween decorations, saved from the landfill. Got overwhelmed and stopped photographing half way through so this is only a glimpse of what we found.
I smiled at the little girl through my gas mask and reassured her parents that I would be back once her bleeding stopped
This box was taped shut so I assumed it had its original contents and took it without looking. Later discovered it was packed full of pottery, most was broken. Swipe to see the intact pieces.
Beginner advice?
Went dumpster diving with my son. Found this, he is thrilled of course :)
Check out my recent dumpster find! Totally wild that someone threw this away
Trump in the dump
Found a bunch of DVDs, diving a few nights back. Here’s six I’ve never seen…. Are any of these actually good? Which should I watch first?
the dishwasher has been leaking steam from somewhere on the left side of the door. Can’t afford to replace the unit, but would like to prevent this deteriorated particle board from getting worse…. Thoughts?
I got caught by an employee today! But it was great!