need a cool name for this evil demon
Apparently I offended him…
Is anyone else questioning reality?
My boy Ben. Sweet 17.
Queso doesn't like these Florida temps
I love taking naps between two humans! 🧡
He's trying his hardest to form a thought
Please watch out for marketing teams pretending to be people "asking" about new products
Barn owl I saw on a night walk, my phone camera isn’t the greatest sadly.
We've got ourselves a floof...
Medicaid MAGAt in distress
Met Mr Barnacle
He thinks he's invisible...
Long day at work catching mice in the barn.
Thinnest orange cat in Greece working as a guard.
tito loves to give me the death stare i swear😂
Little Martha is Disturbed
Orange Rescue Boy, Aspen (~7 years old). He's missing a few pieces (ear tip, fang, bottom lip), but he's still 100% angel.
You Get What You Vote For
Hundreds of Subreddits Are Considering Banning All Links to X
Is it mango?
Trump Supporters forced to leave their bags outside before the rally and are now pleading with garbagemen
PSA: avoid buying Ecco shoes.
is he photogenic?
At AMC theaters, running out of toilet paper means you can conveniently make eye contact with your neighbor and ask them to pass some over.