How are you supposed to shave your balls?
Do dimples make someone more attractive, less attractive, or no difference at all, and is it different for a man and a woman?
BWT, say I gained 25 lbs during the pandemic and I have every intention of losing it, but it’s not coming off easily AT ALL. At what point do I donate the old clothes (I love them. They’re mostly timeless.)? Is donating quitting or being realistic?
BWT - what’s your best low-effort hair solution for the office?
BWT how did you start working out at home
[CW Moonglow] Super moon release
[Longines Moon Phase] 40th Birthday Watch
What are your guys’ quick and reliable protein snacks?
Cold/Flu on Phentermine?
BWT: I’m Becoming A Morning Person
BWT, what toothpaste are we using in 2025?
What made you say yes or no to having kids? Do you regret having / not having kids?
BTW Where can I find AFFORDABLE clothing as a new young professional?🥹💐
BWT, what hobbies do you do in the evenings?
BWT, let’s talk favourite skirts
Women who ended up with partners they actually like as a person: what is a common mistake made by women who end up with someone they *don't* like as a person?
Best Bit of Advice
Demonizing Cardio
Mood changes
Lower dose now
Didn’t gain anything on vacation!
BWT how do we feel about vintage fur coats?
BWT- do you leverage social media for your career?
Switching from Phen to Semaglutide
Phen & pre workout