Update on the hamster I found abandoned in her cage in the woods
What keeps you going?
I was told that I’m an Empath. What Now?
Random Intense Feeling of Hope This Morning
Vyvanse is working, but I'm focusing on the wrong things!
Girls… have you found a way to make your meds work during that time of the month??
Why is my hamster doing this?
Do you feel physically terrible/your meds don’t work/your day is ruined if you stay in bed too long in the morning?
To the absolute scum bag that dumped this little guy in the woods in freezing temperatures, there's a special place in hell for you
Anybody here on amfexa only??
Need help with a name for this sweet heart, she's a girl! 🫶🏻
For those with adhd and pots, how do you manage both?
People say i look like a thug. Is it true?
Are you guys sleeping on vyvanse?
The moment you realise what 'normal' actually was...
My hamster passed away
Sex drive is completely gone
Thanks to whomever recommended using lactic acid for exfoliation!!
Don't feel like an adult
I thought this was meant to make me feel better?!
I have CPTSD from a severely traumatic childhood. I can't relate to qnyone.
Please help me get rid of this tiny bumpss on my forehead
Anyone else sometimes mean because of their trauma?
Opposite effects of stimulants
ADHDs relationship with addiction