What’s always a miserable buying experience and more difficult than it should be?
A crazy mansion for sale in my area
How many of you got to raise and lower the flag in school?
Old boss of mine wrote LOSER on my final paycheck.
Un centre de services novateur sur la Côte du Palais… en 2026
Crépuscule (Dusk) is getting more and more confident in our shelter. He gets out of his cage now and loves people watching.
AIO for refusing to participate in my sister's wedding over her dress code demands?
Immigration au Québec: ces pâtissières françaises pourraient être forcées de rentrer en France
I wonder if The Coca-Cola Company has “Are you a convicted felon” on their job applications?
AITA for Refusing to Cater to My Vegan SIL? PART TWO
Mamma always said, "Stupid is as stupid does."
Dear God...This is the Worst Timeline
here’s my kitty, Edward. it must be his dinner because he’s doing that thing he always does. staring.
I am 39 and determined to get in good shape. Please help.
Are 2 litter boxes really necessary for 2 cats?
Qu'est-ce qui se passe avec les projets de Géolagon?
Duchesse from our shelter. She hates our accommodations and most of us. She recently finished raising her last litter so I understand that she just want a calm place to relax.
My grandpa warming a newborn pig by furnace:).
La popularité des chats est en baisse au Québec
“No one wants to work anymore”
Bobby, from our shelter, testing the new cat tree that was donated to us.
My brother used my ID and social security number to buy a food truck when I was in the hospital. The loan company says I owe them about $30,000
Stephen Harper remet en place Trump et dézingue Trudeau
My girlfriend’s parents surprised me with a visit overseas.. I’m considering breaking up with her
I opened it, and she acted like she owns the place.
La prison de Québec est la pire de la province: il faudrait 142M$ pour la remettre à neuf