Alien writings - generated in StructureSynth
[Critique Needed] WIP map of my world-building project Yoramir
[MO] Raymond
[LF] NMTs [FT] resources
[LF] Tires, Old cans, boots, trash bags [FT] bells
[LF] simple panels [FT] NMT, bells
[LF] Tall lantern DIY, Fire pit item [FT] NMT
[LF] Whitney [FT] NMTs
[FT] Misc. Rare Items [LF] Pearls, NMT, DIYs
[LF] catalogue items [FT] NMT
[FT] DIYS and Frags [LF] Bells
[LF] Julian [FT] NMT
[FT] DIYs [LF] Wishlist items
[LF] Zodiac fragments [FT] NMT, Bells, regular star frags
[MEGATHREAD] New Horizons Q&A/Tips - Ask away!
[FT] 200+ stacks of fish bait [LF] NMTs
[LF] fish bait [FT] NMTs
[FT] 100 Stacks of fish bait [LF] Offer in NMTs
[MEGATHREAD] New Horizons Summer Update – Wave 1: Info, Questions, Discussion
[LF] garden cart DIY, books [FT] NMTs, bells
Help with a pitch accent system
Small writing excerpt, critique needed
[FT] Over 100+ DIYs [LF] DIYs on my wishlist, offers.
[LF] kyle [FT] nmt
[FST] Real art [LF] gold, nmt, real art