Looking for a gang of parents (PC)
Bus route Larnaca?
feeling like i have wasted my time in Germany
AEK Larnaca Tickets?
Any idea what kind of ship this is?
What’s that smell?
It starts to feel like a game
Music Industry ruined me
Recording Studio for Voice Over
Legacy Flavour Shift+W?
3x Flat Spin possible?
I live here now
Sat there. And freaked me out.
I really like this game
What’s happening? Didn’t change anything 🙈
Why does my grid keep breaking?
Now that it’s getting cold…
You can move the ruins!!!! Awesome!
Dear fellow Racers, is there a good way to grind for more coins? The rewards for the races are so low and upgrades so expensive. Am I missing something?
Crew LVL50 still active?
I played through the game but still there are some ??? areas I can’t access, like here in the containment sector. I can’t find the way. Can anybody help?
Unlock Eifeltower / 30.000 squares of industry
Forbes hit the nail on the head: "Destiny 2's you had to be there philosophy is turning off players."
Daily Bounties count towards progress of Bastion Quest