Just found this subreddit. Here's some White Scars I painted this past week.
The major systems breakdown that almost derailed Brisbane’s premiership triumph
What’s your favorite paint to use for trim?
Assembled my first Armiger! :3
Thats how i felt the last week
Am I Cooking With This
Finished World Eaters lord
Humbled Af Right Now
From Humble Beginnings! Two years of painting guard.
Captain with Jump Pack
How to paint the loin banner ?
Finished Canis
Looking to Start a World Eaters Army
Wip deathwing knights
All I painted in 2023. WAAAGH! and a happy new year.
One day I'll finish a proper 2k list.
Death Korps Launch Box
Deathwing termi question
Deathwing ( Sternguard Veterans)
Finally Caved and bought my first figure
Huslen Khan - Leader of Kill Team Erlik
chaos lord!
What colour do you guys use for deathwing terminators
Kitbashed 7th company jump pack captain