Snow in July?
Tried to lease an EV6 today - FAIL
How much difference does the condition of skis make to intermediate skiers?
Towing more than 2000lbs after market
Gas mileage on VW Atlas... Asking for a friend
On the fence
Awful brake noises
Are Punnett squares and Mendelian Inheritance outdated?
I lost my first student today…
Electric drive
Colorado Recommendations
Overrated Ski Brands?
Should I leave the profession before I've really even started?
Do kids worry about getting ‘jumped’ in your school?
What film made you say, "There is still 50 minutes left"?
Tips for an Away Game
Tire recommendation
It feels like my (31m) wife (31f) is taking financial advantage of me
What college major do you think gets made fun of the most? Why?
How would you fix boulder's homeless crisis?
Wow. Glad I got this in my mailbox.
Is teachers bullying their stundents really common? Had a horrible experience as a kid in elementary.
I’m thinking about living in a place like Boulder. I’m a teacher with licensure in both reading instruction and school counseling. What is it like to teach at a public elementary school in or near Boulder? #teacher
Ambience lighting question.
I have a 2023 ID4 AWD Pro. Can I use hyper charge 350 KW?