I am self aware and mindful, yet I can not let go emotionally. Incredibly desperate, turning to stoicism
Just tried writing a letter I wouldn't send
Today I imagined writing an email and I must say, it felt empowering, until I got distracted and lost the thread
Anyone become seriously concerned about your mental health or suffered a mental breakdown from self-inflicted rumination post abuse?
How long after eliminating stress and fixing diet does TE stop? Months or immediately? Searched but can't find an answer
funderar på vilken bank jag ska öppna konto hos
If I’m not the narcissist, why do I need their validation?
What happened when you ignored your nex after a discard instead of them ignoring you?
Ekonomiskt oberoende
Those who fumbled a great one, how did you recover? Is there hope?
Do I need medication? Is there no end to this hell? Do I have OCD?
Does anyone else feel like Narcissistic abuse has caused them to develop physical illness & disabilities?
Is confronting them, or imagining confronting them and relieving all your steam the answer to rumination?
Others with continuous chronic TE that is really bad?
Is my PTSD irrational or not? Either way, what can I do?
Sjuk situation på jobbet, kollega blir utnyttjad?
Telogen effluvium? (Pics)