Grossed out how happy he was with me
I'm so tired of feeling this way
Trying to get an avoidant to give and receive love is like:
Now that you know what you know...
What were your partners triggers?
What was sexual intimacy like with your DA partner?
Anyone else done with dating/ looking for a mate?
PTSD After a Breakup with an avoidant 💔
Breakup feelings
Let us not be this
My dreams won’t let me move on and it’s been 6 weeks
Avoidant - or just don’t like you
The physical health issues from heartbreak
For anyone going through a breakup.
Learning about them gives you a fake sense of control
You get anxious BECAUSE they pull away
Avoidants often end relationships in time of crisis
The constant signs of them
I was loved bombed and now I’m broken
What do you think is predictable about DAs?
you owe them nothing.
The DA and friendships
Rumination and rage
I asked ChatGPT about avoidants and the love bombing stage and this is the answer
How did y'all stop having feelings for your avoidant ex?