Speed comparison - are Jura's slow?
Hosting a displaced family - cutting their stay short for other guests?
23M. Am I cooked ?
Used Jura Z6 or not?
Most beautiful residential streets?
Can anyone identify these?
Tiling over tile in shower?
I'm in total shock. My 9.5 yr old husky just collapsed, had a seizure, and died right in front of me on our evening walk. She was acting completely normal prior to this. What could cause this? I'm wrecked.
Tenants want to move out due to construction noise, should we let them?
Construction in the building is too noisy for our tenants? What should we do?
Putting my life savings into naked short puts
Drank from a bottle with blood on it (not mine)
Scalping futures - worth it?
Drank blood by accident
Bitten cat should get FeLV vaccine?
Scabs on cat?
First Time in Bed M25 F25
Pregnant with Red Bump on Arm
Should I sell my property to a liar?
What documentary is complete bullshit?
Backtesting options strategies is pointless and dangerous. Change my mind.
Butterfly trade on SPX, need advice. Question about managing position.
So, what are you into at the moment?