Phone from afar
Why does this happen
Gas stations
To rest in peace
One of my favorite videos - Matt Nathanson plays the first few chords of You Shook Me All Night Long as a joke. The crowd starts to sing along and the band takes it from there
Hardcore users come here
Post the last picture you took of your dog.No cheating!
Loving my reMarkable 2
Dad, I doan know what “Durable Toy” means!!
3 wounded in Christmas Eve shooting near Oxford High School
TIFU by being the only employee to decline giving my boss money for Christmas
Dedicated vacuum for Traeger?
what is the newer model? they look the same 👀
Remarkable 2 pencil’s substitute suggestion
Easy backup data solutions
A scene from Arches NP Utah.
Man dead, child hurt after snowmobile crash in Upper Peninsula
The seat of JFK’s Lincoln after he was shot
I don't have an Aussie. But I come here whenever I'm sad. 😭
Help! It’s raining!
anyone know this app?
TIL that Arches National Park in Utah has a rock column known as The Phallus