Need Some Suggestions in South Goa
Vacation Turned Into A Nightmare
Girl you to kiss me everyday when I was in 5th standard
24M A Girl use to kiss me everyday when I was in 5th class .
What has to be done?
Client proposed a deal to me secretly ,please help me decide what to do .
Got kissed by a girl in class 5th.
Views on this? Should i book tomorrow or hold till expiry? Are there any chances of recovery?
Guys I have almost 4 lakh in capital
A Girl used to kiss me everyday. When I was in 5th class.👀
If you suddenly had an unlimited amount of money, what’s the first thing you’d buy?
My course got pirated, my life is ruined
19M First part time salary
Kashmir 🤍❄️
South goa scooter travel
I want to start business importing from china…anyone interested in being a partner or have any experience in itt…
Advice on beach resorts on south goa in early Feb.
Can I get two HDFC cards?
Hype for YT Music Vanced 📈
Press F
What is the one movie you *always* recommend to others?