What is your favorite song from the entire discography?
anyone know why surprise is removed off spotify?
What in your opinion is the "Trippiest" King Gizzard song?
Which song are you picking?
Gorgeous poster book finally came in.
The Line vinyl!
Welp ☠️
See you all in the pit in Toronto
Guess my age, gender n sexuality.
Full disclosure
Is there a presale anywhere or what
Presale for tour?
How many of you are actual electronic music fans ?
Rattlesnake rattlesnake rattlesnake
What songs do you like a lot more live than on the album? Or which ones are worse live for you?
What songs off Trench do you listen to the most?
First clay project and turned out eh
Toronto Concert
toronto poster framed.
Favorite album?
Who is opening in Detroit right now?
Cage the Elephant. Broadview Stage at SPAC. Saratoga Springs, NY.
help ID spider, found southwestern Ontario Canada.
Top comment decides what I add to the Clancy album cover (Day 68) [My signature]