Any recommendations for personal injury lawyer in New Jersey USA
[H] Aeldari (Eldar) [W] PayPal, Space Marines, Death Guard, 40k? [Loc] Ohio, USA
FDM Janitor next to his far more expensive twin Brother
I'm thinking about it
Please make this
Good Artists for Adepta Sororitas
[H] Paypal$ [W] Warmachine stuff [Loc] NJ USA
I have no clue what this game is
[H] Bamboo Labs Gift Card - $40 - $30 before fees - [W] 75% -Paypal
[H] Bamboo Labs Gift Card - $40 - $30 before fees - [W] 75% - Zelle - Paypal
Official models
New points dataslate!
Cheap printer from over 3 years ago, cheap resin, printed as whole piece, auto support and auto orientation from free software, cured with a nail lamp shaken in a Tupperware with 70% alcohol, and I couldn't be happier
Does anybody know what caused this?
Can't get my weapon to stick
Where does everyone get their STLs
Your New Car Could Be Spying on You (Selling Your Personal Data)
Practically everyone
10 minutes marine on A1 mini
The Tyranid Bio-titan is printed and ready for final painting and assembly! Can anyone recommend a good 3rd party base supplier?
what do you use to prime?
My Recent Prints all seem to be having similar issues. (A1 Mini)
What is the best software to learn to successfully make $1000-$2000 minimum a month ?
Thoughts on 50/50 GW plastic/ resin prints
Took the dive into 3d printing this weekend… can’t believe how easy and affordable it was to get started