Finchie friends and trading daily thread
What moment got you like this (both 1D era and solo career) and why?
PB choc banana fuel for the night shift
the censorship is the worst part
I Made a TierMaker Template For Every Song
How would you guys describe my friends eyes?
My heart has never taken such a beating. My first boy to cross over the rainbow bridge & my best friend left this on my bed. I am so lucky for those I have and have had in my life. Rest in peace my Charlie boy, I bet you’re eating so much malty paste up there
Some words of comfort for those of us missing our ratties...
Need moral support, my boy might not survive the night and I am really struggling to handle it.
A wild slowpoke and rattata appeared!
when my dad makes a joke so homophobic that every pride flag in a ten mile radius spontaneously combusts, but my closeted bisexual broke ass needs money so i can buy weed to deal with the living nightmare of med school
pure love. my best friend.
One of my most recent festive rat paintings ;) Painted in acrylics. Hope you like it!
Well, people are insane. So pigs AREN’T killed to be eaten as bacon? I don’t have the energy for carnists.
The exact reason why Whalesharks are in decline in the Maldives. Actually more sadlikefuck
Help, what on earth is this? I am in east Africa. I initially thought it was a cockroach. It clearly has some fluff/hair on it but still looks odd.
MY PERFECT BOYS! I’m so proud of this picture I got of them! Little stinky piss monsters 🌸💗🐀🐀💕💖
Do y’all let your rats on your bed? Why or why not?
Base party
I was inspired by Cody to get healthy and really challenge my self so I started to run, diet, and workout. I have now lost 80 lbs in the last 6 months! Thank you Cody the inspiration you gave me has change my life forever
Cute bacon
Name a single movie, where the sequel or remake was better than Original.