I need a movie that the end of if will blow my fucking mind
I have a championship tomorrow what should I do
Girls at my university pissing me off
I'm requesting you for calisthenics programs
What’s something you want sexually but would never do in person?
25kg ring muscle up
Wanna improve my english skills
حاولت اعمل حاجة صح
الاباحية دمرت حياتي
Difficulties sleeping
need advice for making money part time or during summer as a student
If u can change one thing in Algeria, what would it be ?
What is the strangest situation you have experienced in public transportation?
Does porn really damage the brain?
second one was shite but i feel like the first one was decent
بلييز كارما واردها لكم
Need your help to start a small business
Do you eat meat?
About this girl
What u think about girls nails
Be honest, what's actually holding you back from living your best life?
مش بتخافوا؟!
"Message "