One thing I wish they definitely HAD blatantly procured from OTHER popular hero shooters.
wroclaw | Middle Kids - R U 4 Me? (Cut Ver.) [Together Forever] +HDDTHR (KeyWee, 11.76*) 96.81% 259/595x 4xMiss | 1489pp (2024pp if FC)
Dear Devs: We need smartwatch integration
I know it’s exciting that new characters are here, but please STOP using ranked to try them out
I shall rest here till S1 (All SoloQ)
My partner (Iron Fist main) & I (Luna Snow main) decided to switch heroes for tonight 💔
I randomly got the ride the pony emote in late chapter 1 does that mean I have save the world ?
But i haven't posted in days and days?
Turns out you can break Mantis stun on your teammates.
Mission Alerts (30 vBucks) 12:00AM UTC 27/Dec/2024
Maybe actually optimize your game instead of punishing players for not being able to load in. Also wtf why would they remove the community patches
The husks have no path to the van. is this a known occurrence in frozen fjords ventures?
As someone who hasnt played zombies in 7 years holy fk this game looks awful
A quicker, easier way to get critical kills for your camos
How to mute galacta
Do you think Nocturno and other items can make their return?
Where yall at!!!! Bo3 on Microsoft store pc
Xmas Giveaway for everyone! They are all 144’s and good perks.
PSA to duellists (as a strategist)
why is the black knight hero different from the black knight skin?
My first 144 :)
Top player "SERBIATRUCKER13" is getting homeless
New glitch dropped
Most annoying mist monster in your opinion?
useful scheme for what raw pp and net pp are