What’s your country best in the world at?
Can’t sleep ‘till early morning…
What songs do you seek comfort in / see as a reflection of what you’re going thru
What Characters Frequently Have Their Names Mispelled?
Have any of you had a surgery to implant a response neurostimulation system (RNS)?
What’s something people do that just irks you?
Being cured
Do you consider yourself disabled?
What makes you cry when you read fanfiction
What is a trope everyone seems to love, but you hate?
Which characters are often written as orphans even though there's zero evidence towards it?
Any tips on how to get yourself to finish a fic when you’re not into the fandom anymore ?
What was the first fandom/pairing you ever wrote a fic for?
Rec me your favorite fics
Can you just develop epilepsy at 20 years old? Doctors keep trying to convince me I have, but I don’t think so
I don’t have epilepsy, but doctors keep trying to convince me I do
What fic was truly a ‘hidden gem’ for you?
Using AI to write your story while you give it directions, Yay or Nay?
Is there anyone here that takes Keppra and actually like it?
readers turned writers, what encouraged you take up the mantle of writing?
You’re forced to go through what the main character of your last fic went through. How screwed are you?
Is it normal to feel dizzy hours after a seizure?
What is the oddest compliment you’ve gotten that meant a lot to you?
Do you have a “type” when it comes to favorite characters?
Why are people so averse to fanfiction of fanfiction?
What is, in your opinion, the best fic you wrote this year?