Looking for fellow gaymer friends
At what point in the game does Godzilla spawn
One day, you are going to die. Your consciousness will be erased along with your memories. You will remember none of this life, as the flesh and matter that you once walked with, rots away.
Looking for gaming/texting friends (27)
I just want someone to love
What famous person have you hooked up with?
What games do you guys play?
Why do you play league?
minecraft on pc girlies????????
Tried to flirt by asking her to teach me how to play a game, got unmatched immediately.
What are people doing for NYE?
I turned 30 yesterday.
I made a post a day ago and got so many beautiful comments that gave me hope, thank you
I honestly just need a sign not to end it
Thanks Aupost, 20 years in and this is the first time they lost a 8kg package.
What does Aussie Santa eat and drink on Christmas Eve?
What’s something you are proud of yourself for in 2024?
28 yr old nerd wants someone to play vrchat with
What does Australia do better than other countries?
Serious Let’s assume these orbs ARE aliens for a minute…
We come in Peace
Where the hell are y’all guys?!?
T-minus 1 hour until Alien Invasion Day On The Eastern Coast.
Why are you still staying alive?