Przeprowadzka z miasta na wieś to krzywda dla dzieci - rant
Studniówka: opłata za obiady dla komisji maturalnej
Advice on McMaster for an exchange
How does Polish healthcare compare with other European countries in 2024?
Gdzie rPolacy woleliby mieszkać?
Pięknie się zestarzały komentarze
Looking for a perfume that embodies Scandinavian summer
Should I move to Denmark?
Pain in the right calf after every ride
Growing unhappier every day in Norway
“Having fine and thin hair as a woman” starter pack
Czy mieliście kiedyś sytuacje w której prawie straciliście życie?
The "every fast food joint in Norway" starter pack
Is it normal to feel persistently stressed when cycling?
Witam. Gdzie mam zgłosić tego pana od remontu?
Is the stereotype against International Students actually true?
“Aarhus is great but it’s missing..”
Navigating Workplace Insensitivity
as someone that would die just to get a second in the west, this shit got me fucked up
Redditors from poorer countries in Eastern Europe/the Balkans, how does everyday life in your country differ from more economically developed Western European countries?
Can you guess what my native language is?
Making the best of having Covid.
Weird or unusual ways you are frugal
How was your college experience to you compared to highschool? Did things get better?
Which two languages are you desperate to learn?