Where is Gordon day 4 basket?
Any recommend websites?
Do you guys know what shoes these are?
What should I do?
Where do you find good manhwa websites?
Having troubles with my emotions
Am I wrong?
How to make close friends??
How do you say LMAO?
Does anyone know what dragon this is?
Rose quartz pairings?
Chaeyeon, min ju, hyewon,
I am a narcissist. This is my first time saying it and it feel good to say it.
What does fatty mean
Korean media and netizen are just some sensitive butt hurt people
I know I’m get hate for this but, Korean netizen/ media are just some sensitive butt hurt people.
I know I’m get a lot hate but, Koreans netizen/media is just some sensitive butt hurt people.
Do you guys know what dragon is this?
Is it floating when yours legs are off the ground in water are you floating?
Breeding blazing and andromedan what might be the dragon and the time is 16 hours
Popping sounds