So do any of y'all remember agreeing to coming here?
Are these Sagittarius vibes?
The most underappreciated ChatGPT Feature
Full Memory
What are some ChatGpt prompts that feel illegal to know? (Serious answers only please)
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What's your venus, Sag suns?
Nov or dec ?
Is it true that Allah is in fact the pagan Arabian god Hubal which is also Baal?
describe your last crush
Sagittarius ♐️ true?
What countries do you think I could pass in?
Can this man pass as Portuguese?
What are the most common handicaps among those raised by narcissists?
Tell us your current favourite fragrance and let the comments judge you
I'm thinking of immigrating to Russia for a better life
Just thought you might like this post I just saw
To give you an idea of just how large Saturn’s “hexagon” storm is
Did your parents ever make you think that you were the crazy/abusive one?
Recruiter shows up 1 hour late to interview and yells at me
Any December Sagittarius here? Are you ready for the best month ever? I am.
nParent uses something I said when I was a toddler against me
How much percentage do I look Down’s syndrome?
Which Arab country has the best food