Comment your ar15 hot takes.
Green and Gold Turtle
Did I do it right?
King seiko mod - my current magnum opus of watches
Having trouble getting over the hump to actually purchase a gun
Dumbest Thing I've seen on Reddit today
[OC] Resident Evil 4 Customizable Inventory
Resident Evil 4 Customizable Inventory
AIO to my boyfriend praising the president?
I guess I cant go out to eat
What is your favorite neo-noir film?
What is your justification for buying vinyl?
So many options help me pick!
Help me choose a trigger for my next build please
Baby Samurai!
Annoying things that people tend to say in the vinyl 'community' ?
Has anyone noticed this Easter Egg Takanaka has left?!
pretty crazy gamestop lowball
Was the last shot justified?
best buy drop
How would collectors/the community react if they started re-releasing vintage card arts but as illustration rares?
People in the UK Yamaha SG on the market
Never tell me the odds
As far as I'm concerned, another shop just closed its doors.
How did u discover justice