Cabernet released today!
GIVEAWAY - Him, the Smile & bloom (Steam)
Have we begun posting our Envoys? Here's mine.
We’ve got a badass over here 😱
Target NYC haul
Eternal Strands has been a ton of fun, highly recommend for something fresh from a new studio!
Switch too bright when docked - how do I fix?
Which state of play games got your interest?
Persona 3 Portable S.E.E.S. Edition unboxing!
Northern VA Target "clearance"
My 17 year old blind quadriplegic hamster styled my Nikki, what do you think?
PSA leave some games on Target clearance for the next gamer.
Target Haul 70% off msrp
Extreme Target Haul! 47 games total
Returning to the first HM game i ever played! Got it at 9 years old and im almost 22 now.
Steam Key - A Space For The Unbound
The Clearance Gods finally smiled upon me, thanks for the heads up
Band’s Ethnicity
Astral Chain $10 at Walmart
tophia yelling at mamachu (again)
[GOG] Outer Worlds Giveaway
If she’s Hispanic, what flavor of Hispanic is she???
Reddit has finally become nearly unusable due to this latest tantrum
okay but do yall use a spork as a book mark like ezekiah mordecai fusario🙄
My cyberpunk ladies, show me your Vs!